Friday, May 9, 2008

Where This is Going

Here's the thing: I see good writing everywhere. Because of that, I'm going to put links to articles here. I'm going to publish quotes from magazine articles, books, other blogs--anything written, even student thoughts from work done on our campus.

Here's another thing: I think like a writer. All the time I have spent playing with words has led me to process the world like writers process their work: they generate all the ideas they can and then pick the ones the make connections, break down everyday conversations into rhetoric and arguments and effect on readers, and think of everything in terms of how it could be revised and improved. I'll put thoughts like those here, too (look for analysis of two conversations, one with a Writing Center tutor and one with a well-meaning police officer).

Who knows what else will pop up in this space: Potluck announcements, contests, tutor bios, random quoatations overheard while tutoring, and so on. If something interesting happens in the Writing Center, then I'll mention it here.

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